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Read Ch. 1 on Antifragility
Read Ch. 1 on Antifragility

Articles and Interviews
1. Articles by us
This Is Our Chance to Pull Teenagers Out of the Smartphone Trap: New York Times (By Jean Twenge & Jon, July 2021)
3 Things Parents Need to Know About Kids and Tech: One Zero (By Nir Eyal & Jon, May 2021)
Scrutinizing the Effects of Digital Technology on Mental Health: Nature (Dialogue between Nick Allen & Jon, Feb. 2020)
The Dark Psychology of Social Networks: The Atlantic (By Tobias Rose Stockwell & Jon, Dec. 2019)
How to Play Our Way to a Better Democracy: New York Times (By Jon & Greg, Sept. 2018)
Your Child Is More Resilient Than You Think: Reason (By Greg and Jon, Nov. 2018)
The Three Great Untruths that Are Harming Young Americans: Heleo (excerpt from book, Oct. 2018)
Book Trailer (By Greg & Jon, Oct. 2018) (VIDEO)
The Fragile Generation: Reason (By Lenore Skenazy and Jon, Dec. 2017)
The Coddling of the American Mind (2015 Atlantic article): The Atlantic (By Greg & Jon, Aug. 2015)
2. Lectures by us
ExcelinEd Keynote - Dr. Jonathan Haidt. Jon presents the keynote speech on The Coddling at the 2019 National Summit on Education Reform (Nov. 2019)
Professor Jonathan Haidt speaks at UCCS. Jon delivers a lecture on The Coddling at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (Oct. 2019)
See Jon's YouTube channel​ for a collection of additional lectures and discussions​​​​​​​​
3. Video Interviews
This Social Psychologist Explains What's Wrong With College Campuses Today: Jon for Lifehacker (Nov. 2018)
Have Americans become too fragile for their own good?: Jon on Big Think (Nov. 2018)
Real Time with Bill Maher: Jon talks with Bill Maher (Oct. 2018)
The Daily Wire: Jon talks with Ben Shapiro (Oct. 2018)
Are Universities Overprotecting Students?: Greg and Jon talk with John Dickerson, Gayle King, and Norah O'Donnell on CBS This Morning (Sept. 2018)
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Overprotective Parenting Led to Fragility on Campus: Jon and Greg speak with ReasonTV's Nick Gillespie (Sept. 2018)
C-SPAN BOOK TV: Jon and Greg deliver a book talk and answer questions at Politics & Prose in Washington, DC (Sept. 2018)
Smerconish: Greg talks with Michael Smerconish on CNN (Sept. 2018)
Fareed Zakaria, GPS: Jon talks with Fareed Zakaria on CNN (Sept. 2018)
The Story with Martha MacCallum: Greg talks with Martha MacCallum (Sept. 2018)
Is there a free speech crisis? - Debate at The Comedy Cellar (Sept. 2018)
Reporter's Notebook: Learn To Argue Better with John Dickerson on CBS News (Sept. 2018)
4. Audio and Podcast Interviews
'The Constitution of Knowledge' with Jonathan Rauch: Greg talks with Jonathan Rauch and Nico Perrino on the So to Speak podcast (June 2021)
Greg Lukianoff - Defending Free Speech: Greg talks with Iona Italia on the Two for Tea podcast (Jan. 2021)
From Campus to Caliphate: Greg talks with Michael Moynihan, Matt Welch, and Kmele Foster on The Fifth Column podcast (Dec. 2020)
Greg Lukianoff: Free Speech Greg talks with Scott Barry Kaufman on The Psychology Podcast (Sept. 2020)
Jonathan Haidt's Confessions – Disgust, Trump and the rise of 'call out' culture: Jon talks with the Unherd podcast (Feb. 2019)
Experts on Expert: Jon talks with Dax Shepard on the Armchair Expert podcast (Dec. 2018)
Academic Mobbing with Jonathan Haidt, Bret Weinstein & Rebecca Tuvel: Jon talks with the Wrongspeak podcast (Dec. 2018)
"Why I Changed My Mind About The Value Of School Tests": Jon talks The Depolarization Project (Nov. 2018)
Jonathan Haidt on encouraging more diverse thought in the workplace: Jon talks with the Work with Marty Nemko podcast (Nov. 2018)
Two For Tea podcast: Jon and Greg talk to Iona Italia (Nov. 2018)
"Snowflake Jacobins": Greg and Jon talk with the National Review podcast, The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg (Oct. 2018)
College-Aged Coddling: Greg talks with Slate's podcast, The Gist (Oct. 2018)
Libertarianism podcast: Greg and Jon talk with Trevor Burrus (Oct. 2018)
Why Safe Spaces Make Students Less Resilient: Jon talks with Kris Boyd on KERA, Think (Oct. 2018)
"This Mortal Coil: Jonathan Haidt": Jon talks with Sarah Macdonald, Nightlife ABC (Oct. 2018)
The Politics Guys podcast: Greg talks with Michael Baranowski (Oct. 2018)
The Matt K. Lewis podcast: Greg talks with Matt K. Lewis (Oct. 2018)
Femsplainers podcast: Greg talks with Christina Hoff Sommers and Danielle Crittenden (Oct. 2018)
New Book Takes On The Coddling Of American Minds: Jon talks with Rachel Martin on NPR Morning Edition (Sept. 2018)
Trigger Warnings And Safe Spaces: The Coddling Debate On College Campuses: Greg and Jon talk with Meghna Chakrabarti on NPR On Point Radio (Sept. 2018)
The Danger of Good Intentions and Safe Spaces: Jon talks with Jordan Harbinger on the Jordan Harbinger Podcast (Sept. 2018)
Science Salon Podcast: Jon talks with Michael Sherman (Sept. 2018)
What Cultural Trends Created "The Coddling Of The American Mind?": Greg and Jon are interviewed by Ben Domenech on The Federalist Radio Hour (Sept. 2018)
Waking Up Podcast episode #137 "Safe Space": Jon talks with Sam Harris (Sept. 2018)
"I Have to Ask: The Jonathan Haidt Edition": Jon talks with Slate's podcast, I Have To Ask (Sept. 2018)
"Coddling on Campus": Greg and Jon talk with the American Interest Podcast (Sept. 2018)
"Three Dangerous Ideas That Are Putting Our Society At Risk": Jon talks with The Science of Success Podcast (Sept. 2018)
"Coddling, Positive Relationships and Free Will": Jon talks with the Scientific American podcast, The Psychology Podcast (Sept. 2018)
Is Society a Myth?: Jon talks with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the Morality in the 21st Century podcast (Sept. 2018)
A Coddled Generation?: Jon talks with Kara Miller, Innovation Hub (Sept. 2018)
Are America’s colleges poisoning our political debate?: Jon talks with Isaac Chotiner on I Have to Ask (Sept. 2018)
The Psychology Podcast: Jon talks with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman (Sept. 2018)
Clear and Present Danger - A History of Free Speech podcast: Jon talks with Jacob Mchangama (Sept. 2018)
Likeville podcast: Jon talks with John Faithful Hammer (Sept. 2018)
Trigger Warnings, Safe Spaces, and the Coddling of the American Mind: Jon talks with Demetri Kofinas on Hidden Forces (Sept. 2018)
The Gospel Coalition podcast: Jon talks with Collin Hansen (Sept. 2018)
Leadership and the Environment podcast: Jon talks with Joshua Spodek (Sept. 2018)
The New York Times Book Review Podcast: Jon talks with Pamela Paul (Aug. 2018)
5. Print Interviews
"This Is Something That We’re Doing to a Generation": Greg is interviewed by The Chronicle of Higher Education
"The Coddling of the American Mind": Greg is interviewed by Inside Higher Ed
"The Coddling of the American Mind ‘Is Speeding Up’": Greg is interviewed by The Atlantic​
6. Articles related to the book (other than reviews, which are listed here)
100 Notable Books of 2018 from The New York Times
The Best Books of 2018 from New Statesman
Big Ideas on How to Survive the 21st Century in Entrepreneur
My Top 10 Psychology Books of 2018 in Psych Today
The Best Books of 2018 in Mosaic Magazine
The Best Books of 2018 in Bloomberg
How did America end up raising Generation Paranoia? by Megan McArdle in The Washington Post
11 New Books We Recommend This Week from The New York Times
Best Books of 2018: Politics from the Financial Times
The best books of 2018 from the Evening Standard (London)
America, Land of Brutal Binaries by Andrew Sullivan in The Daily Intelligencer for New York Magazine
Single Issue Campaigning and the Polarisation Problem by Ali Goldsworthy and Rob Blackie
These Six New Books Belong on Your Bookshelf: finalist for the Next Big Idea Club
Coarseness and Coddling: Scott Galloway for his newsletter, No Mercy/No Malice
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